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85805450029244 Chef, Westinghouse Oven Door Trim Upper Vented 2 Glass - 0545002924

85805450029244 Chef, Westinghouse Oven Door Trim Upper Vented 2 Glass - 0545002924

Regular price $43.97 AUD
Regular price Sale price $43.97 AUD
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85805450029244 Chef, Westinghouse Oven Door Trim Upper Vented 2 Glass - 0545002924

5805450029244 supersedes 1886345, 1874568, 0545002924 and is number 1 on the diagram (2nd last photo). The diagram is from model CFG517SANG 94300089201.

Models this part suits:

WFE517SA 94000182423, WLE535WA, CFG517SANG 94300089201, CFG517SALP 94300089301, CFG517WAN, 943000890, CFG517WALP 943000891, 943000892, 943000893, 94000179601, WLE522WA 94000179913, CFG504SANG 94300088401, CFG515WANG 943000888, CFG515WALP 943000889, CFG504SALP 94300088501, 94000179315, 94000179415, CFE547WA 94000179515, 94000179615, 94000179915, 94000180015, CFE535WA 94000179316, 94000179416, 94000179516, CFE547SA 94000179616, WLE533WA 94000180016, 94000180216, 94000180516, CFG503WALP 94300088716, CFG503WANG 94300088616, 94300089216, 94300089316, 94300089016, WLG503WALP 94300089816, WLG503WANG 94300089916, WLG505WALP 94300090016, WLG505WANG 94300090116, WLG517WALP 94300090216, WLG517WANG 94300090316, 94300088816, 94300088916, 940001824, WFE547SA 940001823, 94300090017, 94300090117, 94300090217, 94300090317, 94300088417, 94300088517, 94300088817, 94300088917, CFG504WANG, 94300088217, CFG504WALP 94300088317, CFE536SA 94000179201, WDE147WA-L 940001838, WDE147WA-R 940001839, WDG101WANG-L 940001842, WDG101WANG-R 940001843, WDG103WANG-L 940001846, WDG103WANG-R 940001847, CFE536WA 94000179118, 94000179318, CFE537WA 94000179418, 94000179518, 94300088618, 94300088718, 94300088218, 94300088318, 94300088818, 94300088918, 94300088418, 94300088518, WDE135WA-L 940001836, WDE135WA-R 940001837, WLE527WA 94000180318, WLE537WA 94000180418, WLE547WA 94000180518, 94000183801, 94000183901, 94000183602, 94000183702, 94000183802, 94000183902, 94000179919, WLE525WA 94000180219, 94000180119, 94000180319, 94000180419, 94000180519, 94000184202, 94000184302, 94000184602, 94000184702, 94300089819, 94300089919, 94300090019, 94300090119, 94300090219, 94300090319, 94300089209, 94300089309, 94000180215, 94000180115, 94000180315, 94000180415, 94000180515, 94300089810, 94300089910, 94300090010, 94300090110, 94300090210, 94300090310, 94300089815, 94300089915, 94300090015, 94300090115, 94300090215, 94300090315, 943000898, 94300089809, 94300089909, 94300090009, 94300090109, 94300090209, 94300090309, 94300089801, 943000899, 94300089901, 943000900, 943000901, 943000902, 943000903, 94300088619, 94300088719, 94300088819, 94300088919, 94300089219, 94300089319, 94300089019, 94300089119, 94300089215, 94300089315, 94300089009, 94300089109, 94000180209, 94000180109, 94000180309, 94000180409, 94000180509, 940001802, 940001801, 940001803, 940001804, 940001805, 94000180116, 94000180316, 94000180416, CFE532WA, 94000179009, 94000179109, 94000179209, 940001790, 940001791, 940001792, 943000886, 943000887, 94000179309, 94000179409, 94000179509, 94000179609, 94300088609, 94300088709, 94300089116, 94300090619, 94300090419, 94300090519, 94300090719, 94000179003, 94000179103, 94000179203, 94000179013, 94000179113, 94000179213, 94000179015, 94000179115, 94000179215, 94300088214, 94300088314, 94300088514, 94300088414, 94300089014, 94300089114, 94300089214, 94300089314, 94300090410, 94300090510, 94300090610, 94300090710, 94300088409, 94300088509, 94300088615, 94300088715, 94300089015, 94300089115, 94300088209, 94300088309, 94300088415, 94300088515, 94300088215, 94300088315, 94300090415, 94300090515, 94300090615, 94300090715, 94300090416, 94300090516, 94300090616, 94300090716, 94300090417, 94300090517, 94300090617, 94300090717, 943000882, 943000883, 943000884, 943000885, 94300090409, 94300090509, 94300090609, 94300090709, 94300088413, 94300088513, 94300088614, 94300088714, 943000904, 943000905, 943000907, 943000906, 94000179920, 940001793, 940001794, 940001795, 940001796, WLG505WBNG, 940001861, 94300088809, 94300088909, 94000179022, 94000179222, 94000179122, 94000179322, 94000179422, WLG505WBLP 940001868, WDG101WBNG-L, 940001862, WDG101WBNG-R, 940001863, WDG103WBNG-L, 940001864, WDG103WBNG-R 940001865, WLE525WB (94000189700), WLE535WB (94000189800), and possibly more.

Give us a call on 0863907132 if you are not sure about this part.

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