How to find Model Number on your Appliance.

How to Find a Model Number

Looking for model numbers can be quite tricky sometimes. Follow our tips below:


Most refrigerator model numbers are printed inside the refrigerator on either the left or right wall of the refrigerator box in an easy to see manner.

Chest type freezers normally have the model number on either end or the back of the cabinet.


The model number is generally printed on the back of the control panel but on some former models can also be on the side panel. Some front-loading machines have the model number on back of the door or near the door hinges.

On most late model Simpson or Electrolux washing machines always get the "PNC" number off the label. For Fisher Paykel machines please note down 5 digit product code.


Model number is usually printed on the front of the cabinet, behind the door. If on opening the dryer door, you do not find the model label, find it on the back panel or one of the side panels of the dryer.

Also if there is f/c (stands for Factory Code) mark printed following the model number, asterisk sign (*) and numbers must also be quoted.


Open the dishwasher door and search the model on the border of the stainless steel door liner either on the top or side edge

For Dishlex and Westinghouse dishwashers always note down the PNC number if there is one on the model label

For Fisher Paykel dishwashers please note down the 5 digit product code.


Remove your rangehoods filters and find the model number label is in the space above.


The model number label is usually clinging on the metal base of a cooktop either on the bottom or on the side, which is quite often on the back edge facing the wall, thus you will require a mirror to read it.


Most model labels can be viewed without moving the cooker.

Open the doors and check the front facing flat surface around and below the oven.

Look for the model label in the middle of the griller door or in few older cookers on the side wall inside the griller box.

If your cooker has a storage drawer, remove the drawer and look at the bottom of the drawer and also check the framework inside space where the drawer came out from.


Most model labels are seen without removing the oven from the wall.

Open the doors and check the front facing flat surface around and below the oven.

Give us a call on 0863907132 if you still cannot find the model number, our team are always happy to assist. 

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